Insight Marketing Design Receives 16 ADDY Awards

Insight Marketing Design is proud to share 2014 ADDY Awards for creative excellence with seven clients from across the country.
This year, Insight Marketing Design won 16 ADDY awards for clients in a variety of industries, from higher education to associations, from breweries to SD State government.
Best of Class Awards:
- SD Department of Labor and Regulations for Direct Marketing
- Lake Area Technical Institute for Travel Poster Illustrations
The Department of Labor Dakota Roots mailer received a Silver ADDY award at the District 8 AAF judging.
Gold ADDY Awards
• American Coalition for Ethanol
• National Association of Tower Erectors
• South Dakota Department of Labor and Regulations
• Lake Area Technical Institute Poster Book
Silver ADDY Awards
• Lake Area Technical Institute
• Gandy Dancer Brew Works
• Missouri Corn Growers Association
• Family Visitation Center
Insight Marketing Design also received two Silver ADDY Awards in the Agency Self-Promotion Category.
Congratulations to all our clients and to the Insight staff for their commitment to producing effective, compelling, creative marketing materials.