Marketing Insights: Insight launches new Secretary of State website

When South Dakota’s Secretary of State Jason Gant decided it was time to modernize his website, he turned to Insight Marketing Design. The vision for this important Government website was for ease-of-use, fast way-finding and time-saving functionalities to better serve South Dakota citizens.
As part of a complete redesign, we created unique icons and clear portals tailored to each of the main audiences: businesses, elections and services for individuals. This allows people to get the information they need and take care of their business faster than ever before.
Of course, as any public servant will tell you, being responsive to your constituents is a top priority, which is why Insight created the Secretary Of State website as a responsive design. This approach means the site can identify what kind of screen it is on and reformat the information to work best — whether it’s a tablet, phone or laptop. This frees people who need to access the site to be able to do it effectively from anywhere they have an Internet connection.
At Insight, we take pride in creating tools that help our state government be more efficient and better serve the needs of the citizens.
You can visit the South Dakota Secretary of State website here.
You can click the links below to see few of the other Government sites insight Marketing Design has created: (South Dakota Department of Labor and Regulations)
South Dakota Department of Health