Insight goes Blarney

They say on St. Patrick’s Day everyone is Irish and that couldn’t be truer than at Insight Marketing Design. But don’t take my word for it, as this completely made up quote from Insight’s digital strategist and actual Irishman, Stuart Little proves it beyond a doubt – “St. Paddy’s Day at Insight makes me feel like I never left my dear ole emerald isle.”
To get everyone in the mood for our annual celebration of the green,
official green shirts St. Patrick’s were designed by our Executive Creative Director featuring the day’s theme of high spirits and the spirits you drink from a bottle.
This year’s holiday pot luck luncheon guidelines were whatever you brought needed to be Irish or green – or both. This resulted in a lot of authentic cuisine, such as brown bread and salmon, Irish stew (not to be confused with Insight’s Irish Stu) and Irish meat pies. The green entrees included salad with Green Goddess dressing and a few items pulled from the office fridge that had clearly passed their expiration date.
Once our bellies were full, we all followed the winding path past peat bogs and wee shingled cottages to Wiley’s Tavern to raise our pints of Guinness stout and cheer St. Patrick, leprechauns, Irish eyes, Danny Boy, snakes, shamrocks, blight-free potatoes, smiling eyes, luck, red hair, and then back to good old St. Paddy again.
All and all, it was a grand ol’ time at Insight’s 2017 St. Patrick’s Day celebration and you can see all the pictures (edited for content, of course) by visiting the Insight Marketing Design Facebook page.
In closing we’ll leave you with this Old Irish Blessing:
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and your marketing bring you piles of green.
Happy Saint Patrick’s Day from your friends at O’ Insight O’Marketing O’Design.