July 2020

Adapt classic marketing approaches.

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Getting your business name and logo in front of as many people as possible, in a positive way, has always been a standard marketing technique.  After all, the more often potential customers see your branded material, the more comfortable they become with your brand.

One of the classic ways to accomplish this has been to create apparel that features your logo and potentially a slogan or tagline. Thanks to the Internet’s wide reach and never-ending selfies, branded wear now reaches further than ever before.

Until now, t-shirts and hats have ruled this niche marketing. But as we all know, thanks to COVID-19, the world has certainly undergone some dramatic changes. And part of that is the proliferation of the simple face mask.

Some love them, some hate them but many accept it as a social responsibility. This new “must-have” accessory provides an ideal location for a branded message. The placement directly on people’s faces makes it almost unavoidable to see whenever people interact.

Face masks provide a lot of real estate to put fun or interesting messages or images that can reflect your brand story. They are also more affordable than a lot of other apparel options, allowing you to hand them out for free or charge a nominal price for them.

It certainly appears that face masks are going to be with us for a while, so this is a good opportunity to spread your brand message while helping to stop the spread of COVID-19.

If you’d like more information on this topic we invite you to contact us by calling 605-275-0011 or by email.

Stay informed and stay well.

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