The show can go on.

By now we’re all used to live business events being canceled due to the pandemic. Trade shows, large meetings and even interoffice gatherings have been deemed too risky to hold. In addition, business travel has also come to almost a stand still. But each of these types of events and business practices serve an important function and even a major factor in a business’s success.
That’s why smart marketers and business people have looked to virtual presentations to fill the gap. But just jumping on Zoom, Go-To-Meeting or other virtual meeting platform presents a host of difficulties and can certainly lack the polish a well-designed presentation should portray.
The solution is to prepare for a virtual presentation with the same care and attention to detail you would have committed to a live presentation.
Download our guide to hosting virtual events
A high-quality, virtual presentation utilizing film crews, lighting and attractive sets or green screen backgrounds can portray the professionalism that organizations expect from live events.
Presentations like these can feature videos, embedded charts, graphs and seamless cutaways to other locations or different speakers. Depending on needs, they can also feature participant interaction on a variety of levels, from direct audio, cued audio or written questions that can be sent to the speaker’s presentation coordinator.
With platforms like Zoom Pro, up to 600 people can attend a secure meeting with individual log-in passwords for each. Presentations like these can also just feature the key speakers without hundreds of little frames with peoples’ faces flooding the screen.
Another benefit of this approach is that the presentations can be recorded and sent to participants, potential customers, posted on websites or social media platforms.
While the nature of business gatherings has changed, the end goal has not. Making a good impression is just as valuable in the online world as it is in person.
If you’d like more information on this topic we invite you to contact us by calling 605-275-0011 or by email.