November 2021

Insight Marketing & Raking!

Blog Rake The Town 2021 (1)

No, we haven’t expanded our marketing and communication services to include raking. We did however take rakes in hand to help out our community.

The entire Insight team once again took part in Active Generations’ Rake the Town event. This volunteer program sends teams out to rake the yards of city residents who are disabled or over the age of 60.

Naturally, before we expended all our energy raking, we needed to fuel up. Turns out that tacos and cheese covered tortilla chips are ideal foods to bolster our troops for manual labor.

After meeting some very grateful homeowners and doing our part to keep Sioux Falls beautiful, we visited our favorite watering hole for some ice cold beverages.

The weather was perfect and helping our neighbors gave us all a warm glow. The frosty adult beverages may have possibly also added to our sense of contentment.​

If you have a group that wants to give back to our community, we highly recommend considering signing up for next year’s Active Generations’ Rake the Town event. You can learn more about this program and other activities this great nonprofit organization does throughout the year at their website –

We also highly recommend tacos. Wishing you all a great autumn season from your hardworking friends at Insight Marketing Design.

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