November 2021

Insight Wins Seven MarCom Awards

2021 Blog Marcom Awards 2

Since its founding in 2004, the MarCom Award competition has become one of the most highly respected creative marketing competitions in the world. Each year the MarCom judges review thousands of entries from over a dozen countries.

From the thousands of entries received this year, the judges recognized seven of Insight’s projects as world-class examples of effective and engaging creative marketing executions.

Insight’s winning MarCom entries feature work in a wide variety of categories, including:

  • A Platinum award for an educational video created to promote soil health developed for Oro Agri.
  • Insight’s brand development work for Clear Creek County Colorado’s transit system won Gold for original illustration which was created by our inhouse team. The fun and attention-getting bus wraps scored a Gold as well. The complete Integrated Marketing Campaign developed for the municipality was also selected for an Honorable Mention.
  • In the digital realm, Insight designed and developed websites for Lunchtime Solutions and Lake Area Technical College both won Gold.

Wrapping up our list of MarCom winners is a colorful and fun logo created for Lunchtime Solutions which received an Honorable Mention.

It has been shown over the years that on-target, creative marketing executions deliver superior return on investment for clients.  So while awards are always nice to receive, the real thrill for our team is producing work that gets noticed and helps our clients reach their marketing goals.

Congratulations to Oro Agri, Clear Creek County, Lunchtime Solutions and Lake Area Technical College on winning the MarCom Awards.

You can see these and other award winning work in Insight Marketing Design’s website portfolio. If you’d like to learn more about creative work that gets noticed and gets better results, give the Insight team call at 605-275-0011 or send us an email.

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