You’re never too young to code. Never too old to go back to (elementary) school.

At Insight we’re lucky to have a top-notch digital team – from strategists and SEO experts to digital designers and programmers. Together, this team provides our clients with engaging digital assets that deliver results well above the industry norm.
We’re also lucky that our passionate team readily volunteers their time to developing the next generation of digital creators. A case in point is Insight’s digital designer-programmer, Jill Smith. Recently Jill spent two afternoons with 4th and 5th grade Challenge Center students.
Jill shared her vast web programming knowledge and taught these eager students the basics for programming their own webpages. Of course, since Jill is a marketing professional, she also shared insights they could apply to promote their own fictional business they had created earlier in the week.
In today’s world, digital literacy and development have become one of the core skills students need to master to get the most out of their future careers.
“It was so cool to spend a couple hours with kids who were so eager to dive in and figure out something new. A few already had basic web programming skills and couldn’t wait to work ahead and proudly show me what they could do. The best was at the end when I showed them how to attach a stylesheet to their page. When we all hit ‘run code’ at the same time, the collective ‘COOOOL!’ that came from the whole class was awesome!” said Jill of the teaching experience.
All the kids had a great time and learned a lot. And judging by the number of handmade thank you cards Jill received from the students, she will continue to be in high demand from our area schools.
Many of us at Insight share our knowledge and our time at schools from elementary to college level. After all, those kids are going be the ones who change the world. We’d all recommend every professional look for opportunities to share their knowledge with the next generations.
To see what Insight’s digital team has been up to lately, click here to view some examples of the websites we’ve created. Be sure to visit our website often, because we’re always developing new sites like you’ve never seen before.
Alright now, everyone get back to class.