Insight’s summer fiesta

Every summer the crew at Insight takes a break to blow off some steam and celebrate the season. Over the years we’ve done everything from kayaking and cookouts to a “Great Race” contest and a Sip & Cycle journey around beautiful downtown Sioux Falls.
This year we all ended up at one of Sioux Falls’ newest theme bars: Vinyl Taco.
Vinyl Taco features miniature bowling alleys, beer pong tables, video games and loud music played by a DJ on, you guessed it, vinyl records. If you’re not sure what a record is, it’s like if you downloaded your playlist on a big piece of round plastic that scratches easily, melts in the sun and basically makes listening to music a real challenge. But even with all the downsides of vinyl records, stores that sell them are popping up all over town.
In addition to stuffing ourselves with street tacos, tortilla poppers, chips and salsa and queso, we also split into teams to play trivia. The game was prepared by Insight’s office manager, Kelcey Goetschius, and featured tough questions and the ability to steal the other team’s questions. I won’t tell you which team won but it definitely took some backstabbing strategy and a wealth of useless knowledge to triumph.
You may be wondering about the margaritas. Suffice to say that thanks to the fresh lime juice in them, no one on our team will need to worry about scurvy for a long time.
We all had a great time and came out unharmed because we followed the sage advice not to mix margaritas and piñatas.
You can check out some candid pictures of the party here. Until next time, Adios from your friends at Insight Marketing Design.