Marketing During a Pandemic:
Let people know before they go

Open? Not open? Half open? Kind of open? The reopening of our country’s businesses is happening in fits and starts. Some states are completely open while others are still in lockdown. Some types of businesses remain shuttered while others have cast off all restrictions and are operating like the good ol’ days before the pandemic. The bottom line is: it’s a confusing time and people are still nervous.
If your business is returning to normal operations or has set a date for that to happen, you need to be getting the word out as far in advance as possible.
But just as important as letting people know you’re open or opening soon is letting people know what steps you are taking to ensure your staff members’ and customers’ safety.
An ideal tool for reassuring and reconnecting with your target market is to use video on your social media channels to actually show the steps your business is taking to ensure everyone’s safety (as much as possible). This approach allows people to actually picture themselves safely within your business.
Using a key staff member, owner or manager as the person giving the video tour also creates or reinforces a personal connection that can build confidence and a higher degree of comfort within your target market.
There are bound to be some setbacks as the country reopens, but by literally showing with video how your business is doing everything possible to protect people can help your business weather the many unknowns we’re sure to be facing in the future.
If you’d like more information on this topic we invite you to contact us by calling 605-275-0011 or by email.