May 2020

What social media platforms are right for your business?

Blog Social Media

Everyone knows social media sites are a valuable outlet for reaching and interacting with consumers. For the most part, social media is cost effective, allows you to pivot your message quickly and can be very effective in creating third-party endorsements. All good things and all good reasons to include it in your marketing mix.

But the real question isn’t, “Should my brand be on social media?,” it’s “Which social media platforms should your brand be using?”

Many companies figure “what the heck, let’s do them all and that way we won’t miss any opportunities.” Unfortunately, most of the time this shotgun approach to social media results in failure across all platforms. To get the benefit from social media, you need to be committed to constant content management; spreading yourself too thin results in an uninteresting, uninspired and unproductive presence.

The key is to remember that social media marketing is marketing. It still follows the basic rules of every marketing effort.

To be effective, you need to know:
• Whom you should to be talking to
• Where that demographic spends their time
• What they’re really interested in

Every social media platform has “key demographics” or primary users that define what it’s all about. The best way to decide if a social media platform is right for your brand is to ask these simple questions:
• What is the primary user demographic group?
• What do they use the social media site for?
• How do they use it?
• How many people use it regularly?

If the answers to the above questions align with your brand’s target market, then it’s most likely a good fit for your brand. If not, then your time and money will be better spent elsewhere.

If you’d like to know more about how to get the most out of your social media marketing budget call us at 605-272-0011 or send us an email and Insight’s expert social media team will be happy to discuss it with you.

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