A Christmas traditions: a Partridge in a Pear Tree

Each Christmas Insight creates a holiday gift that is unconditionally and absolutely a classic. It’s a one of our classic Christmas traditions.
We’ve created collections of classic Christmas toys, classic cocoa and coasters, classic movies, classic cookie recipes — even a classic Christmas board game. This year we’ve reached further back to Merrie Olde England with our Classic Christmas Card Collection featuring the Twelve Days of Christmas.
Doug illustrated the twelve days. Jon wrote the prose. Kristene designed the cards and labels. Kari found beautiful keepsake wooden boxes. And the rest of us collated, assembled, tied raffia and delivered the goods.
In these days of instant emails, text messages, Facebook and Twitter, there’s still something special about sending and receiving a classic Christmas card. We hope recipients of this collection will send out the cards to friends and family.
Merry Christmas from Insight.