Marketing Insights: Is restaurant marketing facing a snack attack?
Snacking takes place somewhere between traditional meal times. Restaurant marketing has seen this trend take off in the last few years. People are no longer waiting for breakfast, lunch or dinner to munch down. They want smaller portions and smaller prices whenever the mood hits them.
Considering snacking is an untraditional approach to dining, a non-traditional approach to restaurant marketing seems like a natural fit. Maybe it’s a real world pop-up type initiative, or online prompts and promotions that play off the inherit impulse nature of snacking. Deciding where you’re going to have dinner may take some thought, but what to snack on often comes down to what’s near by, what’s cheap and what looks good.
Of course, snacking is also a great way to get new customers in the door. They’re not making a huge commitment so they’re willing to try something new — which is an ideal opportunity to convert them into regular dinners.
This post about snacking could go on for a while, but I think I’ll go grab a yummy snack for a couple bucks instead.
Next week’s topic –
Marketing Insights: Literally making the most out of a logo change.