September 2015

Insight welcomes Sarah Swanson as a Client Service Specialist

Blog Sarah Swanson

What’s going on? For businesses seeking the answer to that universal question, their first stop is with Insight Marketing Design’s newest hire – Sarah Swanson.

As a Client Service Specialist, Sarah spends a good portion of her day researching industry trends, gathering competitive information and analyzing data to ensure our clients know what’s going on in their industries and markets. The insightful information she helps develop is utilized to create a competitive advantage and provide unique business-building solutions.

Sarah is a life-long South Dakota resident and graduated from the University of South Dakota with a degree in Mass Communications. Most recently, she was a Marketing Coordinator at Meta Payment Systems focused on corporate communication programs.

As an agency that provides insight-based marketing solutions, the addition of Sarah Swanson to the Insight team offers even more resources to clients who truly want marketing solutions that resonate on a deeper level with their target market.

Please join us in welcoming Sarah to our team.


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