June 2020

Plan for this and that.

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One day it seems like the world is opening up again. The next day the door slams shut. Obviously everyone is still trying to feel their way through the right way to move beyond the COVID-19 crisis and that will inevitably lead to a lot of missteps.

With this in mind, even though the doors that seem to be opening with states relaxing their guidelines, it’s smart to not count on a quick and complete return to normal. This means keeping your marketing plans flexible to adapt to the one step forward, two steps back reality we’ll all be dealing with for awhile.

Preparing marketing strategies for a variety of scenarios – return to normal, return to some degree of normal or back to lockdown will put you ahead of the game, regardless OF what the rest of this crazy year gives us.

The one advantage we all now have is that we’ve seen what a pandemic can do to our economy and, by necessity, learned what steps can work to minimize the damage to our company’s brand and bottom line.

The old saying seems most appropriate for today’s chaotic markets: “Plan for the best and prepare for the worst.”

If you’d like more information on this topic we invite you to contact us by calling 605-275-0011 or by email.

Stay informed and stay well.

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