Nostalgia is the buzzword this holiday season

Whether it’s Jack Frost nipping at your nose or a turkey with all the trimmings, this year people are feeling particularly nostalgic about the holidays.
With the pandemic continuing to affect everyone and many families forgoing their traditional gatherings, people are looking for ways to capture the simple pleasures and joys of years past.
A recent survey of 800 consumers showed that 57% of respondents want holiday ads to make them feel happy and 30% want ads that make them feel nostalgic. The truth is, we can all use a little cheering up and to think of things other than social unrest and COVID-19.
Businesses whose holiday marketing feels more like a holiday greeting card or warm wishes from a dear friend may see better results than a hard sell. It is also a good year to show your customers how much you appreciate their business.
As always, low prices and big sales will drive a lot of purchasing decisions, but wrapping your messaging up in a heartfelt show of true holiday spirit may deliver the gift of higher sale volumes.