Immunize South Dakota

ADVERTISINGBrand PositioningSocial MediaDigital Marketing

The Nutshell
In the battle for the “vaccine undecided,” we were tasked with increasing vaccine confidence among South Dakota residents.

Immunize South Dakota - Uncle Ralph | Insight Marketing Design Portfolio

The Light Bulb
Sometimes great people aren’t great sources of vaccine information and facts.

Immunize South Dakota - Aunt Sally | Insight Marketing Design Portfolio

The Work
To raise vaccine confidence, we went after the various sources of information people are exposed to – willingly or not. We created characters that everyone could identify with and positioned them as fantastic people, but people who don’t have the background to dispense reliable vaccine information.

Immunize South Dakota - Neighbor Claire| Insight Marketing Design Portfolio
Immunize South Dakota - Coworker Bob | Insight Marketing Design Portfolio
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