March 2011

2011 ADDYs: Going for the Gold & the Silver

Addy 2011

Insight received five gold ADDYs, sixteen silvers, and a Best of Class Award at this year’s South Dakota Advertising Federation’s Awards.

OMG’s identity package, designed by Ben Hodgins, received a Best of Class for Collateral Material. Insight dominated the print divisions, receiving ADDYs for the SD Department of Labor’s Workforce 2025 Report, the SDSU Foundation’s Annual Report and the SD ELCA Synod‘s Cookbook. Brochures created for Lake Area Tech and Office Peeps also received ADDYs.

Billboards designed for Dakota State University and Kilian Community College received awards in the Out-of-Home category.

Sioux Falls Surgical Hospital received ADDYs for Radio, in both single and campaign categories. Lake Area Tech’s “Start Your Journey” campaign was recognized with ADDYs in the Television and Mixed Media categories.

Work developed for Sioux Empire Community Theatre received ADDYs for Brochures, Television and Interactive.

An ADDY went to a poster designed for Monk’s Bike-a-Paloosa event, and Insight received an ADDY for our Brand Builders Holiday Cards.

Our thanks to our clients who nurture award-winning work — and to our staff who continue to knock it out of the park.

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