How a turtle helps people remain in their home
For thousands of aging South Dakotans and people with disabilities, remaining in their own home can seem impossible. Unfortunately many believe their only option is to leave the house they love and move into an assisted living facility.
Which is why we feel the work we’ve done with the South Dakota Department of Human Services, Dakota at Home division, is so important. Dakota at Home is a state-run, free service that connects aging and people with disabilities in South Dakota with resources and programs that can help them remain living in their own home.
For some, services such as transportation, health care and proper nutrition are all they need to live at home safely. The challenge for them comes from finding providers and being sure they are reliable and trustworthy. That’s why raising awareness of Dakota at Home was vital for many of our state’s citizens’ quality of life.
After extensive research, including facilitating focus groups around the state and meeting with our client’s front line staff, Insight’s creative team distilled the key messages. Approachability and trustworthiness were important attributes for this audience so we developed a new name, Dakota at Home, and created a campaign featuring characters that are as attention-getting as they are welcoming.
The Insight team produced a series of three television commercials in a warm storybook style of animated illustration featuring a turtle, fox and chipmunk in a friendly tone that explains how easy it can be to find the services needed.
In addition to television commercials, we also created print ads, collateral materials, social media support, online ads and a website featuring the iconic animal illustrations.
Since the campaign Began the client has reported a dramatic increase in calls and website visits.
While we don’t know exactly how many people have been able to remain in their home because they heard about Dakota at Home, just knowing someone has been helped feels like a storybook happy ending to us. Click here to meet Dakota at Home’s spokesturtle, spokesfox and spokeschipmunk.
If you or a loved one could benefit from the Dakota at Home services call 1-833-663-9673 or visit