New Social Media Demographic Trends May Surprise Some

In the late 1960’s musician James Brown had a hit with the song “It’s a Man’s Man’s Man’s World.” If demographic trends on social media usage continues, that song may soon become the new anthem for many of the world’s largest platforms.
Over the years male involvement in social media platforms has steadily increased and going into 2022 they are now top users on a wide variety of sites.
The following research findings may encourage male focused brands to increase their social media marketing investment and also increase outreach on some platforms that previously had been considered better suited to reaching the female demographic.
Twitter is leading the pack with 70.4% of users identifying as male.
Reddit also skews higher in male users at 62.8%.
LinkedIn tips the scale in favor of men with male usage at 56%.
Perhaps more surprising, Facebook also has higher male usage than female with 56.4% of users identifying as male. In fact, the largest demographic on Facebook are male consumers 25 to 34 years old.
Instagram’s largest user demographic is males 18 to 24 years of age and the next largest user group is males between 25 and 34.
While these updated user demographics may not align with some people’s expectations of traditional user profiles for social media, they can offer a competitive advantage for marketers who pay attention to where their primary consumers congregate online.
If you’d like to learn more about recent social media trends or how your organization can better maximize ROI with social media marketing, give Insight Marketing Design’s digital experts a call at 605-275-0011 or send them an email.
We also recommend if you haven’t listened to a James Brown, the God Father of Soul, song in a while, now is a great time to “Bring it On…Bring it On”