April 2013

Giving back at AIGA South Dakota Student Day

Marketing Insights: Giving Back To The Future At Aiga South Dakota Student Day

This week’s blog isn’t about a time travelling DeLorean, it’s really about the future of the advertising and design industry.

This week a few members of the IMD creative staff were invited to meet and talk with area college students at the AIGA South Dakota student day event.

Over 70 students came to learn more about the creative industry from area professionals. The students I talked to all felt the day was of great value to them and they had learned a lot.

I learned a few things myself:
1) Based on the students I met, the creative industry in this country will be in great shape in the coming years.

2) While many of the students planned to enter different fields, like: 3-D animation, fashion design, advertising, etc, their common goal was to positively impact the world through their creative energy.

3) AIGA South Dakota, a state chapter of the national American Institute of Graphic Arts, is doing an amazing job supporting the design profession in our state.

4) And last of all, when you have a lunch meeting with a table full of bright students who are eager to learn and have a million questions…. you don’t get to actually eat lunch. Which is a small price to pay when you realize that in the coming years their creative efforts will feed all our imaginations.


Next week’s topic –

Free Marketing Insights: Look! A billion monthly visitors to YouTube.


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