April 2015

President Obama saves the best for last

Blog Obama

We recently received a very exciting call from our longtime client, Lake Area Technical Institute in Watertown, South Dakota.

It was not only great news, but also answered a longtime question that had plagued all South Dakotans – Why hasn’t the President of the United States visited our fair state? He has literally visited every other state in the union, but not what many around here consider the best one.

Well, that one call from our client cleared up the mystery.

President Obama was obviously saving the best for last and also wanted to visit one of the country’s best two-year colleges at the perfect time.

President Obama will be giving the commencement address at the Lake Area Tech 2015 graduation ceremony. We think this is a well-deserved honor for a school that has created an amazing learning environment and has helped so many students achieve their dreams.

You can read the Lake Area Tech’s press release here (http://news.lakeareatech.edu/president-obama-to-give-commencement-address-at-lake-area-technical-institute/)

Lake Area Tech and its students are a textbook example of the rewards that come from working hard and always striving to be the best. Those are the same attributes the crew at Insight Marketing Design ascribes to, which may be why our relationship with Lake Area Tech has always been so productive.

Congratulations Lake Area Technical Institute from your friends at Insight Marketing Design.

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