Just boo it. HarvestFest 2018

It’s that time of year again, when the folks at Insight Marketing Design put away the summer toys and pull out knives….and crockpots. If you haven’t figured it out yet, we once again celebrated the onset of autumn with our annual Insight HarvestFest.
The potluck food was fabulous as always, including pickle dip, fall-off-the-bone ribs, pulled barbeque chicken sandwiches, loaded baked potato soup, chips and dip, caramel apples and Ben’s perennial corn casserole. If you think that sounds like a lot of food, keeping in mind that’s not the complete list, then you are darn right! It was truly an amazing bounty perfect for bulking up for the long winter ahead.
Of course, HarvestFest is more than just food and a serious selection of savory seasonal beers.
The highlight of the afternoon was the traditional carving of the jack-o-lanterns. With the sweet sounds of The Monster Mash setting the mood, the IMD team set to gutting and carving what each hoped would be the winning pumpkin of 2018.
This year’s selection of gussied-up gourds leaned towards the more traditional look, except for Drysen’s “strawberry pumpkin” Ben’s “guy climbing out of pumpkin” and Candy’s “Just Boo It!” product integration pumpkin (We anxiously await a call from Nike’s head of marketing).
We hope you can carve-out sometime this year to have a great Halloween.
And don’t forget to check out all the Insight jack-o-lanterns on Insight’s Facebook page and vote for your favorite.