Insight wins 7 MarCom Awards in 6 categories

The real challenge for any creative-focused marketing firm is to produce standout work in a variety of mediums. While a great idea can translate into virtually any format, executing your vision in such diverse mediums as broadcast, print or digital takes a true focus on the strengths and possibilities inherent to each communication platform.
This year, the Insight team demonstrated the power of big ideas in six very different categories.
Our agency’s work earned awards with a website, television commercials, online video, illustration, magazine advertisement and identity material.
Insight’s 2020 MarCom Awards winners include:
Platinum Awards:
• Rosenbauer America – Monster Illustrations
• Rosenbauer America – Monster Magazine Campaign
• South Dakota Department of Health – Health Link Video
• South Dakota Farmers Union – Hope Television Commercial
Gold Awards:
• Lake Area Technical College – Epic Identity Package
• Talon Development – My Heights Living – Menomonie
Honorable Mention:
• Lake Area Technical College – Epic Television Commercial
You can check out all the award-winning work on Insight Marketing Design’s website. If you’re looking for marketing that gets noticed, gets results and maybe even gets you an award for your office shelf, give us a call at 605-275-0011.
Congratulations to Rosenbauer America, South Dakota Department of Health, South Dakota Farmers Union, Lake Area Technical College and Talon Development for winning in the 2020 MarCom Awards.
The MarCom Awards is the largest creative competition in the world. Each year it receives over 6,000 entries that are judged by creative industry leaders.